- 证书 certificate; credentials
- 帐目 items of an account; account ...
- 帐目 items of an account; accounts 帐目不清 accounts not in order; 清理帐目 square accounts; 帐目不实 false itemization of accounts; 帐目分析 account analysis; 帐目收支相符 book balances exactly; 帐目摘要 extract of accounts
- 证书 certificate; credentials 结婚证书 marriage certificate; marriage lines; 毕业证书 diploma; 证书审查委员会 credentials committee
- 记入…帐目 a/o account of
- 帐目,帐户 ac account; acct account
- 帐目型 ledger
- 帐目纸 bill paper
- 帐项;帐目 accounting item
- 帐目单, 销货帐目 account of goods sold
- 过户帐目, 转让帐目, 转帐帐目 transfer ledger
- 红利帐目, 奖金帐目 bonus account
- 审查帐目监查帐目 to audit an account
- 保险帐目 ua unerwriting account; underwriting account
- 变产帐目 realization statement
- 拨款帐目 a ropriation account; appropriation account
- 不动产帐目 immovable account; immovables account
- 财务帐目 financial accounts; proprietary accounts
- 查看帐目 examine the accounts
- 查帐, 帐目审查 inspection of accounts
- 成本帐目 cost account
- 酬劳费帐目 commission account
- 船东帐目 o/a owner's account; o/a owner’s account
- 窜改帐目 juggle the accounts; manipulation of accounts
- 代理帐目 agency account