记忆 1.(记住或想起) remember; recall 就我记忆所及 so far as i can remember2.(保持在脑子里的印象) memory 凭记忆 from memory; 恍惚的记忆 wandering memory; 帮助记忆 aid to recall sth. 他因年老而记忆模糊。 age has clouded his memory. 这记忆珍藏在人们心中。 the memory is enshrined in the people's minds. 这次访问将永远留在我的记忆中。 this visit will always remain in my memory.3.[自动化] storage; 记忆符号 mnemonic symbol; 记忆减退 hypomnesis; hypomnesia; 记忆码 mnemonic code; 记忆丧失 loss of memory; 记忆失误 blackout; 记忆误差 memory error; 记忆障碍 memory disorders; dysmnesia; allomnesia; dymnesia; dysmnesy; disturbance of memory; 记忆中枢 memory centre; mnemonic centre
状态 status; state; condition; state of affairs: (病的)危险状态 critical condition; 战争状态 state of war; 混乱状态 state of chaos; 心理状态 psychology; state of mind; 状态良好 in good condition; 待机状态 the alert status; 处于紧急状态 be in a critical situation; 逐渐出现一种不正常的状态 gradually assume an abnormal condition; 使它恢复到原来的状态 bring it back to its former condition
The characteristics of adolescents ' encephaloffluctuography in memory conditions 记忆状态下儿童青少年脑波超慢涨落特点的研究
This section is intended only as an introduction to the rules of building a parse : : recdescent syntax and will include actions , remembering the state , rejecting productions , and lexing text 这一节只准备介绍构建parse : : recdescent语法的规则,将包括操作、记忆状态、拒绝产品和对文本进行记载。