one is liable to make a slip of the tongue, if one talks a great deal
多语言多文化教育 multilingual and multicultural education语言多元化和多语言教育咨询委员会 advisory committee for linguistic pluralism and multilingual education多语 multilingualism短语失语症 aphrasia多言多虑 the more you talk and think about it言多必失 he that talks much errs much.; least said, soonest mended; one is bound to have a slip of the tongue if he talks too much言多有失 if you talk too much, you may say the wrong thing言语失常 speech disorder言语失用 verbal apraxia言语失真 speech distortion博多语 bodo language多语言 multi-language多语症 hyperphasia; logomania多语制 polylingualism多语种 plurilingual◇多语种词典 multilingual dictionary; 多语种翻译 polylingual translation多语癖 logorrhea喀多语 caddoan卡多语 caddo伊多语 ido就让话语失色 i put words to shame柏彼曼多语 papiamento博客多语症 blogorrhea多语词典 multilingual dictionary多语翻译 multilingual translation言而必行 no sooner said than done言而无信 fail to keep faith; eat one's words; fail to carry out one's promise; fail to live up to one's promise; go back on one's word; never to keep one's promise; not to keep one's word; one's words are not dependable [not trustworthy]
Silence is golden , speech is silver 沉默是金,说话是银。 /言多语失 。
言多语失的日语 :〈成〉言葉数が多いと言いまちがいが生じやすい.言多语失的韩语 :【성어】 말이 많으면 실수하기 쉽다; 말이 많으면 쓸 말이 적다. =[言多必失]言多语失什么意思 :yán duō yǔ shī 话说多了就难免出错。