- offend sb.'s sense of justice
- 触犯 offend; violate; go against
- 某人 a certain person
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 正义感 sense of justice; sense of w ...
- 天赋的正义感 natural justice
- 触犯某人, 惹怒某人 rough sb up the wrong way; rub sb the wrong way; rub sb up the wrong way
- 激怒某人, 触犯某人 rub sb. the wrong way
- 算…为某人的正义之举 count sth. to sb. for righteousness
- 触到某人痛处, 触犯某人 touch sb home; touch sb on a tender place; touch sb to the quick
- 正义感 sense of justice [righteousness]; sense of what is right 具有正义感 have a sense of justice
- 侵犯某人的私生活 violate sb's privacy right to free speech etc
- 具有正义感 have a sense of justice
- 有正义感 with a feeling for justice
- 在某人的正前方 right in one's ahead the front
- 有学术正义感 being intellectually courageous
- 正直,正义感,诚实的。 right mindedness
- 冒犯某人 step on someone’s toes; trespass against sb
- 报复的正义 retributive justice
- 虚伪的正义 the hypocrisy of justice
- 最后的正义 final justice
- 不触犯人的 harmless innocent; inoffensive
- 触怒某人, 犯某人之忌 stroke sb the wrong way
- 形式上的正义 formal justic
- 无意中冲犯某人 offend sb. unintentionally
- 声援的正义斗争 support sb. in their just struggles