Fiqh is islamic jurisprudence ; it forms the basis of shariah and is a process of ongoing interpretation Fiqh是伊斯兰教的法律学;它形成shariah的依据和是持续的解释的过程。
Accounting is a proce of recording , cla ifying , summarizing and interpreting of those busine activities that can be expre ed in monetary terms 会计是一个以货币形式对经济活动进行记录、分类、汇总以及解释的过程。
Accounting is a process of recording , classifying , summarizing and interpreting of those business activities that can be expressed in monetary terms 会计是一个以货币形式对经济活动进行记录、分类、汇总以及解释的过程。
The consumer perception about the product is a process that consumer integrate all kinds of stimulus about the product into a meaningful and consistent image and then analyze it 消费者将关于商品的各种各样的刺激加以选择使其整体化,并作为有意义的首尾一致的外界映像进行解释的过程就是消费者对商品的知觉过程。
Any review of the literature on the teaching of reading techniques to efl students has to include the seemingly infallible aphorism that reading is an interactive and interpretive process ( williamson , 1988 : 7 ) 因为阅读不仅有利于语言的习得,有利于扩充学生的词汇量和促进写作技巧,而且有利于提高更高水平的阅读能力和技巧。阅读是读者和作者进行交流的一种交互解释的过程。