- cryotherapy of corneal lesion
- 角膜 conea; cornea
- 病 illness; sickness; disease; ...
- 损 decrease; lose
- 冷冻疗法 cold therapy; crymotherapy; ...
- 角膜病损冷冻疗法使角膜改形 cryotherapy of corneal lesion to reshape cornea
- 角膜病损毁坏术用冷冻疗法 destruction of lesion of cornea by cryotherapy
- 脉络膜病损毁坏术用冷冻疗法 destruction of lesion of choroid by cryotherapy
- 脉络膜视网膜病损毁坏术用冷冻疗法 destruction of chorioretinal lesion by cryotherapy
- 视网膜病损毁坏术用冷冻疗法 destruction of lesion of retina by cryotherapy
- 冷冻疗法 cold therapy; crymotherapy; cryo therapy; cryotherapy; frigotherapy; krymotherapy; psychrotherapy
- 脑冷冻疗法 cryotherapy of brain
- 痔冷冻疗法 cryotherapy of hemorrhoids
- 睑冷冻疗法 cryotherapy of eyelid
- 疣冷冻疗法 cryotherapy of warts
- 角膜病损 corneal lesion
- 食管病损冷冻术 cryotherapy of lesion of esophagus
- 干冰冷冻疗法 carbbon dioxide cryotherapy; carbon dioxide cryotherapy; dry ice cryotherapy; dry ice therapy
- 虹膜冷冻疗法 cryotherapy of iris
- 局部冷冻疗法 frozen sleep
- 外耳冷冻疗法 cryotherapy of external ear
- 液氮冷冻疗法 liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
- 痔疮冷冻疗法 cryotherapy of hemorrhoid
- 冷冻疗法痔毁坏术 destruction of hemorrhoids by cryotherapy
- 全视网膜冷冻疗法 panretinal cryotherapy
- 角膜病损电烧灼术 electrocautery of corneal lesion