- 角膜 conea; cornea
- 接种 vaccinate; have an inoculati ...
- 鼻粘膜接种 rhinovaccination
- 角膜接触镜 corneal contact lens
- 角膜接触片 steri-tips
- 尿囊绒膜接种 choriallantoic membrane inoculation
- 角膜巩膜接界 corneoscleral junction; sclerocorneal junction
- 角膜接触镜片 pmma
- 绒毛膜尿囊膜接种 chorioallantois membrane inoculation
- 角膜接触镜片处方 prescribing corneal contact lens
- 软性角膜接触镜 soft corneal contact lens
- 硬性角膜接触镜 hard corneal contact lens
- 角膜虹痕接种 corneal scratch inoculation
- 角膜巩膜接触镜片处方 prescribing corneoscleral contact lens
- 亲水软性角膜接触镜 hydrophilic soft corneal contact lens
- 一次性使用角膜接触片 disposable steri-tips
- 接种 [医学] vaccinate; have an inoculation; inoculate 接种防霍乱疫苗 inoculate sb. against cholera; 接种防伤寒疫苗 be inoculated against typhoid; 接种防牛痘疫苗 be vaccinated; 接种器 inoculator; vaccinator; 接种物 inoculum; insition; 接种箱 inoculating hood
- 角膜 [生理学] conea; cornea◇角膜白斑 keratoleukoma; walleye; albugo; leucoma; leukoma; 角膜薄翳 achlys; 角膜层 vitreous layer; 角膜肥厚 hyperkeratosis; 角膜弓 arcus senilis; 角膜混浊 opacity cornea; 角膜结膜炎 keratoconjunctivitis; 角膜镜 keratoscope; 角膜溃疡 keratohelcosis; helcoma; corneal ulcer; 角膜切除术 keratectomy; ceratectomy; 角膜切开术 ceratotomy; 角膜曲率计 keratometer; 角膜软化(症) keratomalacia; 角膜上皮 corneal epithelium; epithelium coelomale; 角膜炎 keratitis; keratoiditis; corneitis; 角膜移植术 keratoplasty; corneal transplantation; cornealgraft; 角膜云翳 nebula
- 巩膜接触镜 scleral contact lens
- 复接种;再接种 reinoculation
- 再接种 复接种 reinoculation
- 口腔粘膜接触试验 buccal mucosa contact test
- 水雷磁膜接收器 magnetic film receiver of mine
- 硬脑膜-蛛网膜接触层 dural-arachnoid interface layer
- 超接种 hypervaccination