- 视 look at
- 束 bind; tie
- 放射 radiate; emit; blas; radiati ...
- 射线束放射量 beam output
- 水平线束放射照相 horizontal beam radiography
- 移动线束放射治疗 moving beam therapy
- 视束 fasciculus opticus; fo; optic lemniscus; optic tract; tract opticus; tractus opticus
- 体外射束放射治疗中患者的放射卫生防护标准 radiological protection standards for the patient in external beam radiological therapy
- 副视束 accessory optic tract
- 视束根 root of optic tract
- 视束沟 sulcus fasciculi optici
- 视束核 nucleus of the optic tract
- 视束支 branches of optic tract; branches to optic tract; rami tractus optici
- 火花束放电 brushing
- 射束放大器 beam expander
- 旋束放大管 spiraling-beam amplifier
- 副视束上核 accessory supraoptic nucleus
- 视束病症 disorder of optic tract
- 视束灰质 opticocinerea
- 视束交叉 chiasm opticum
- 视束内侧根 medial root of optic tract; radices medialis tractus optici; radix medialis tractus optici
- 视束乳头 papilla fasciculi optici
- 视束上核 nuclei supraopticus; nucleus supraopticus; supra-optic nucleus
- 视束损害 optic tract lesion
- 视束外侧根 lateral root of optic tract; radices latetalis tractus optici; radix lateralis tractus optici