On the internet , can now find early during the popular three - dimensional photographic many precious three - dimensional photos , with the general concept is the need to carry out three - dimensional films for viewing , but we can also use the binocular - as methods , and use around eyes were about to watch screen , it can screen directly in the middle produced two third piece of the illusion of three - dimensional images 在互联网上,现在还能找到早期立体摄影盛行时期的许多珍贵的立体照片,这些照片一般是需要借助观片器才能进行立体观赏,不过我们也可以利用双眼平视的方法,用左右眼分别观看左右画面,就可以直接在两幅画面中间产生第三幅立体画面的错觉。