elasticity of substitution of factor
要素 essential factor; key elemen ...替代 substitute for; supersede; r ...弹性 elasticity; resilience; spri ...要素替代 factor substitution替代弹性 elasticity of substitution技术替代弹性 elasticity of technical substitution商品替代弹性 elasticity of commodity substitution投入替代弹性 elasticity of input substitution不变替代弹性生产函数 ces production function激素替代疗法 hormone replacement therapy激素替代治疗 hormone replacement therapy hrt雌激素替代疗法 controversies in hormone replacement in the elderly; estrogen replacement therapy雌激素替代治疗 estrogen replacement therapy; hrt睾丸激素替代治疗 testoterone supplementation孕激素替代治疗研究 hers弹性要素 elastic plate element要素供给弹性 elasticity of supply of factor促甲状腺激素替代活性分析 tsh-displacing activity口服包括雌激素的避孕药或激素替代治疗 estrogen-containing oral contraception or hormone replacementtherapy要素的供给弹性 elasticity of supply of factor替代 substitute for; supersede; replace; substitution; replacement 以油替代煤 replace coal by oil; substitute oil for coal; 替代承继人 substitute carrier; 替代担保 substitute security; 替代进口产品 import substitutes; 替代能源 alternate energy source; 替代律 substitution law; 替代品 succedaneum; 替代商品 substitute goods; 替代设备 alternate device; 替代物 substitution; substituent; 替代作用 substitution effect要素 essential factor; key element; part; element; factor弹性 1.(弹力) elasticity; resilience; spring; stress2.(事物的伸缩性) elastic; flexible 这些规定是有弹性的。 these regulations are elastic.; 弹性绷带 elastoplast; 弹性材料 elastic material; 弹性挡圈 circlip; 弹性垫板 resilient sleeper-bearing; 弹性垫圈 elastic washer; 弹性垫座 bumper block; 弹性汇率 flexible exchange rate; 弹性货币供应 elastic money supply; 弹性基础 elastic foundation; 弹性极限 elastic limit; limit of elasticity; 弹性计 elastometer; 弹性记忆(效应) elastic memory; 弹性抗 elastic reactance; 弹性理论 elastic theory; 弹性力 elastic force; 弹性力学 elasticity mechanics; 弹性尼龙 stretchy nylon; 弹性碰撞 elastic collision; 弹性疲乏 elastic fatigue; 弹性破坏 elastic break-down; elastic failure; 弹性塑料 elastoplastic; plastelast; 弹性体 elastomer; elastic body; 弹性外交 elastic diplomacy; 弹性误差 elastic error; 弹性系数 coefficient of elasticity; modulus of elasticity; 弹性纤维 spandex; 弹性炸药 elastic explosive; 弹性织物 elasticized fabric; elastic webbing; stretch woven fabric 被替代 is replaced by场所;替代 lieu
Technical progress is measured as a standing alone variable by the method of improved proportion in elemental structure and the rate of growth elasticity in capital substituting for labor 可以用要素结构进化率法和要素替代弹性 法将技术进步作为一个独立变量予以测度,并放之于经济增长模型中进行分析。