The first test times the load - up for the example login - screen application 第一个测试将测试示例登录应用程序的装载时间。
Check package cache lookups versus inserts to avoid load times from disk 检查包缓存的查找与插入,以避免从磁盘到缓存的装载时间
Check catalog cache lookups versus inserts to avoid load times from disk 检查编目缓存的查找与插入,以避免从磁盘到缓存的装载时间
Reducing the number of images used will improve performance in synth load - up times 减少所使用图像的数量可以提高synth装载时间方面的性能。
The second test is a stress test on load - up times - a frame with over 100 components 第二个测试是关于装载时间的压力测试一个帧中有100多个组件。
This leads to the conclusion that every additional image used in the synth look adds to load up time 据此可以下结论,在synth外观中使用的每个附加图像增加了装载时间。
As you can see , the synth look and feel loads up only minimally more slowly than ocean and motif . 43 seconds您可以看到, synth外观的装载时间只比ocean和motif慢一点点。
Either way , those looking for the best load times will probably want to go with the pc version , as they ' re almost non - existent 不管怎么说,那些希望最短游戏装载时间的人可能需要玩pc版了,因为它在本作中几乎不存在。
This test loads six images in synth and compares the load - up time to that of an average screen that a developer might create 该测试装载6个synth图像,并将这个装载时间与一个开发人员可能创建的一般屏幕的装载时间进行比较。