- 被动 passive; unactive; passivity
- 袭夺 take over by a surprise atta ...
- 主动袭夺 active capture
- 袭夺 1.(乘其不备地夺取) take over by a surprise attack2.[水文] abstraction
- 佯动袭击 dummy attack
- 袭夺谷 pirate valley
- 袭夺河 captor river; capturing river; pirate river
- 袭夺弯 elbow of capture
- 袭夺湾 elbow of capture
- 袭夺源 captured source
- 自袭夺 autopiracy
- 被动 passive; unactive; passivity 变被动为主动 regain the initiative; 陷于被动地位 land oneself in a passive position; be thrown into passivity; 被动语态 [语言学] passive voice
- 被袭夺河 abstracted river; captured river; mutilated river; pirated river
- 本流袭夺 autopiracy
- 侧移袭夺 intercision
- 地下水袭夺 ground water piracy; groundwater capture; groundwatercapture; piracy of groundwater
- 电子袭夺 electron capture
- 河川袭夺 stream capture
- 河流袭夺 piracy of streams; river beheading; river capture (stream piracy); river capture(piracy); river piracy(capture); rivercapture(streampiracy); stream capture(piracy); stream diversion; stream piracy (river capture); stream piracy(robbery); stream robbery; streampiracy(rivercapture)
- 袭夺河, 夺流河 pirate river
- 袭夺河流 capture
- 袭夺肘弯 elbow of capture
- 夷流袭夺 planation stream piracy
- 地下河流袭夺 subterranean stream piracy
- 伏流袭夺作用 subterranean stream piracy