You may know by a handful the whole sack 抓一把就可知整袋装的是什么。 /见微知著。
Fellow initiates took gift bags to each patient s bedside 同修到病床前,将袋装的礼物逐一分送给病患。
The shipping mode we prefer is bulk , not in containers 这个应该怎么理解?正常都是在散装在货柜内的,或者用编制袋装的。
On september fourteenth , federal officials warned americans not to eat spinach sold in bags . later the warning expanded to all fresh spinach 9月14日,联邦官方警告美国人不要食用袋装的菠菜。后来这一警告发展到所有的新鲜菠菜。
With french fries arid coke , the meal is complete . tin foil packets of extra catsup are always included and usually used to spice the french fries 一顿完整的套套包括一个汉堡包、炸薯条和一杯了口可乐饮料,还有铝箔袋装的番茄酱供调味炸薯条之用。