" look , smell , listen , taste , feel " can indicate that somebody is making a deliberate effort to perceive something . “lk,smell,listen,taste,feel”可用以表示某人着意要感知某事物。
In indicating sb ' s occupation activity etc 表示某人的职业
These adjectives mean existing in a person or thing from birth or origin 以上这些形容表示某人或某物从其出生或出现时就具有的。
This is a warning message that someone is using your login or you forget to logout last time 这表示某人正使用您的登入号码或您上次忘了登出。
You will be in deep water if you don ' t take the money back to where it belongs 字面上是“在深水中” ,这种讲法和中文的“水深火热”有异曲同工之妙,用来表示某人“处于大麻烦中,碰到大难题” 。