Statements without default blocks when doing table lookups 例如, xom在进行表查找的时候经常使用没有default块的
Another common data presentation manipulation scenario is the table lookup 另一个常见的数据表示/操作方案是表查找。
The meeting planner lets people use the distribution lists to find the best available room for a meeting 会议安排程序可让您使用通讯组列表查找最佳会议室。
In other words , new items are added to the end , and map lookups move items to the end of the linked list 换句话说,新项目被添加到尾部,映射表查找操作将项目移到链表的尾部。
You can search the productmodel table to find productmodelid values for which products have xml manufacturing instructions stored 可以搜索productmodel表查找存储了xml生产指令的产品的productmodelid值。
This frees the developer from having to constantly write meaningless registry lookup code , such as that enforced by the jmx api 这使得开发人员不用经常编写毫无意义的注册表查找代码,例如jmx api要求编写的那些代码。
With qbrt , the forwarding decision is based on a full route table lookup to quickly and accurately determine each packet ' s next - hop route 有了qbrt ,转发决策是依据完整的路由表查找,快速、精确地决定每个包的下一跳跃路由。
If the search is time - critical , a binary search or hash table lookup is almost always best , but as with sorting , you must keep locality in mind 如果搜索是时间关键的,二进制搜索或者哈希表查找几乎总是最好的,但是与排序一样,必须记住地址。
Then we analyse the new complex queries method that support large - scale distributed p2p application . finally , we describe an efficient algorithm and data structure that support complex queries based on structured p2p network . coupled with a dynamic load balanceing mechanism , the model can handle both point and range queries regardless of the distribution of the queries 本文首先介绍对等网络系统及其局限性,然后对最近提出的多种支持大规模对等网络的分布式哈希表查找系统进行分析,为了支持复杂查询,在结构化对等网络环境中引入了新的数据结构和算法,使其能支持范围查询和有效的相似查询,再结合动态的负载均衡机制,很好的避免了系统瓶颈。