行呼吸补法或配合轻度震颤手法 apply the reinforcing method by breath or shaking
Nine different methods to nine weakling men 9类弱男补法各不同
Acupuncture reinforcement manipulation 针刺补法
This study indicates that the chinese replenishing method is an effective and important principle for the treatment of the coronary heart disease 中医理论与临床经验均显示出:补法是治疗冠心病重要而有效的原则。
Abstract : this paper mainly utilizes the methods of formula , isometric transform , cut and complement , extremes and analyzing special section to calculate the volume in solid geometry 摘要:文章探讨了用公式法、等体积变换法、割补法、极值法、分析特殊截面等方法求立体几何中几何体的体积。
The line scan , adopts not the line put to repair the method to examine with high accuracy sport and compensate the technique , and dissolve the appearance to gleam and text word the move , and output diagram resemble more clear and soft 逐行扫描,采用非线性插补法和高精度运动检测与补偿技术,消除画面闪烁与文字抖动,输出图像更加清晰柔和
The main body can be summarized as the following five sections : this paper firstly creatively builds the yield curve of our treasury securities by the method of regressive interpolation and spline . by the empirical study we can see that the method not only can build a smooth yield curve but also can predict the yield to maturity of any given term on the basis of the practical dealing data on the markets 主体内容可概述为以下五部分:论文首先创造性地把回归插补法和三次样条插值法结合起来构造了中国的国债收益率曲线,经过实证分析表明,该方法可以以中国国债市场上的实际交易数据为样本,既能构造平滑的国债收益率曲线,又能预测任意到期期限的国债收益率。