补脾益肺 invigorate the spleen to benefit the lung; invigorating the spleen to benefit the lung; reinforce the spleen to benefit the lung; reinforcethespleentobenefitthelung
While there are strong propaganda for the rationalization of desire , it gives people false messages on desire - satisfaction 在教育上,应发挥补偏救弊的功能,对弱势者施予更多的援手。
Accordingly , the general principles in diagnosis and treatment of tcm is to harmonize yin - yang and promote the relative equilibrium of them 因此,调和阴阳,补偏救弊,恢复二者的相对平衡,促进阴阳的平和状态(阴平阳秘) ,即为中医诊疗必须遵循的总纲。