You have a bunch of clothes in your closet upstairs you need to go through 你们楼上的衣橱里还有很多衣服等着你们去看
To the right clothes and other goods drive to the left , will be automatically put on clothes 将右边的衣服等物品拖动到左边来,会自动穿上衣服的。
Introduction : to the right clothes and other goods drive to the left , will be automatically put on clothes 将右边的衣服等物品拖动到左边来,会自动穿上衣服的。
Items of sentimental value such as a flipbook with photographs of family and friends or a favorite item of clothing can help you feel closer to home 有情感价值的东西可以让你觉得离家不远,例如家人或朋友的相集或钟爱的衣服等物品。
The items i want to declare include some chinese herbs and foods . they are all here . the other bags contains my personal articles . pls check . thanks 我需要申报的物品是一些中药和食品,都在这个包里,其他的包是衣服等个人用品。请检查,谢谢!
After speaking with the homeless , the working group became aware of more pertinent material needs , such as sleeping bags , underwear , and clean clothing 当我们在实际了解游民朋友们的情况后,发现睡袋内衣乾净的衣服等物品将更切合他们的需求。
Encouragement of self - care encourage patients to take responsibility of their personal hygiene such as combing and changing clothes according to their functional ability 透过评估患者的能力,并给予适当的帮助,让他们可以自行负责日常的个人清洁,如梳洗更换衣服等。
Encourage patients to take responsibility of their personal hygiene such as combing and changing clothes according to their functional ability . provide them with a well - ventilated , warm and clean living environment 透过评估患者的能力,并给予适当的帮助,让他们可以自行负责日常的个人清洁,如梳洗、更换衣服等。
Thus , over the years , the facility s main objective has been to provide care for montreal s needy , and on december 19 , 2004 local initiates brought several boxes of canned soup , instant noodles and clothing to help in this effort 2004年12月19日,蒙特利尔同修准备了好几箱的汤料罐头速食面衣服等物资,致赠给伯利威瑞的游民朋友。
Divac will accept items for infants ( baby formula , food , diapers , clothes , etc . ) and school - aged children ( clothes , school supplies , books , etc . ) from 5 to 9 p . m . at 537b pavilions lane off fair oaks boulevard 大胡子正在萨克拉门托收集捐赠的物品,这些物品是给因为飓风而被转移的小孩子的.他收集到的有给婴儿的食物,尿布,衣服等,还有给小学生的书,学习用品等