Can you make up this dress length for me ? 你能用这块衣料给我做一件连衣裙吗?
I selected the materials for a suit, with the assistance of mr. tabb's judgment . 我参照了特拉白先生的意见,选好了一套衣料。
Nearly all clothing was handmade from the fibers of plants or from the hides of animals . 几乎所有的衣料都是用植物纤维或动物毛皮手工制成的。
This blanket that i wear is not the blanket of a common squaw; these ornaments are such as the wives and daughters of chiefs only appear in . 我穿的这件衣料可不是普通女人穿的,这些饰物只有酋长的妻子和小姐才能佩带。
In the same manner a third becomes a smith or a brazier; a fourth a tanner or dresser of hides or skins, the principal part of the clothing of savages . 同样,第三个人成为铁匠或铜匠,第四个人成为硝皮者或制革者,皮革是未开化人类的主要衣料。
This dress material will withstand repeated washings 这种衣料能经得住反复洗涤。
This dress material will withstand repeated washing 这种衣料经得住反复洗涤。
Specification for water vapour permeable apparel fabrics 水汽渗透衣料织物规范
Some of the new synthetic dress materials do not crush 有些新型合成衣料不会起皱。
He said , unfolding a piece of material like a shopman 他像店员一样抖开一块衣料说。