Consistent torque at the joint for highly effective training in all user levels 并维持衡一的扭矩,适合不同体力的人
The predicament here is that we don t have any written kalaam , i . e . written work , of khawaja with us , not even a single shair stanza 困境这里,我们没有任何书面kalaam ,即书面工作, khawaja与我们,不平衡一唯一shair stanza
The company possesses warehouse of 5496 square meter , goods yard of 1786 square meter , platforms of 1243 square meter , building area of 1904 square meter , 9 15t - 1 . 5t automobiles , one 50t electric weight measurer 公司现拥有库房5496平方米,堆场1786平方米,站台1243平方米,商业及办公用房1904平方米, 15吨1 . 5吨载货汽车9辆, 50吨电子汽车衡一台等设备设施。