The fire alarmed the whole neighbourhood . 火灾使整个街坊邻里都惊恐起来。
Communities can be found everywhere from neighborhoods to the largest organizations in the world 当今世界,从街坊邻里到大型组织,社区随处可见。
He began performing under the name of davino : boy magician performing at birthday parties and shows around his hometown 自11岁起在一些街坊邻里举办的派对上成功表演魔术后,大卫便成了当地的小英雄。
This research probes into the city - newspaper information recommunicating behavior among the same generation group and in the neighbourhood at the same time 本研究同时对街坊邻里和同辈群体中的都市类报纸信息再传播行为进行了探讨。
It was till the fifteen days of the new year and then the parents would take our kids to the famous street fare in beijing 大年初一开始,街坊邻里就开始走门串巷拜年了,亲戚,朋友也开始互相拜年,希望每个家在来年都生意兴隆,家庭美满。
In a moment , however , wisely judging that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another , she took the baby on her arm , and , with a burning blush , and yet a haughty smile , and a glance that would not be abashed , looked around at her townspeople and neighbours 然而,她很快就醒悟过来了,用她的耻辱的一个标记来掩盖另一个标记是无济于事的,于是,索兴用一条胳膊架着孩子,她虽然面孔红得发烧,却露出高傲的微笑,用毫无愧色的目光环视着她的同镇居民和街坊邻里。