Historical evolution of modern utilitarian principles 近代功利原则的历史衍化
Portrait of old women : a reserch of feminism in lao she ' s dramas 老舍剧作中女性意识衍化探微
In death the many becomes one ; in life the one becomes many 死令众多合而为一;生让一衍化为众多。
On the development of traditional perspective of morality and interest in modern china 传统义利观的近代衍化
On modern intellectuals personal status anxiety and the image of evolution 身份焦虑与当代知识分子形象谱系的衍化轨迹
Class derivation list 类别衍化清单
Enhanced expression of platelet - derived growth factor receptor proteins in keloids 血小板衍化生长因子受体蛋白在瘢痕疙瘩中的表达
Self : oppression - regression - sublimation connotation evolrtion of humanity in chinese feminine literature of the contemporary era 中国当代女性文学中人性内涵的衍化
Fda approes methotrexate , an anti - metabolite deried from folic acid , and 6 - mercaptopurine as anti - cancer drugs Fda批准叶酸衍化的抗代谢药甲氨蝶呤和6 -巯基嘌呤作为抗癌药物
Fda approves methotrexate , an anti - metabolite derived from folic acid , and 6 - mercaptopurine as anti - cancer drugs Fda批准叶酸衍化的抗代谢药甲氨蝶呤和6 -巯基嘌呤作为抗癌药物