From the words of the confusius , we can know the mail history in han dynasty 从孔子名言德之流行速于置邮传命,可?解中国邮政历史之渊远流常。
I am looking after your interests , she said in response to his look of inquiry , and she walked more quickly along the corridor “ soyezhomme , monami , cestmoiquiveilleraivosintrts 。 ”她在应对他的眼神时说道,而且行速更快地沿着走廊走去了。
An implement of adversarial game on the single chip micyoco was presented , and the solutions about the match between scm ' s speed was discussed , space and adversarial program 摘要介绍了博弈程序在单片机环境下的实现方法,讨论了单片机运行速度和空间容量与博弈程序匹配问题的解决方案。
Abstract : defining method of moving speed of vertical shaft hoist is discussed . the ralation of economy speed coefficient and hoisting height are expounded for calculating economy hoist speed . the hoist speed is adjusted according to change of hoisting assignment 文摘:论述立井提升机运行速度的确定方法,阐明经济速度系数与提升高度的关系,为计算经济提升速度提供依据,得出根据提升任务的变化相应地调整提升速度的结论。
But as soon as it grew dusk in the evening , i chang d my course , and steer d directly south and by east , bending my course a little toward the east , that i might keep in with the shoar ; and having a fair fresh gale of wind , and a smooth quiet sea , i made such sail that i believe by the next day at three a clock in the afternoon , when i first made the land , i could not be less than 150 miles south of sallee ; quite beyond the emperor of morocco s dominions , or indeed of any other king thereabouts , for we saw no people 这时风势极好,海面也平静,我就张满帆让船疾驶。以当时船行速度来看,我估计第二天下午三点钟就能靠岸。那时我已经在萨累以南一百五十英里之外了,远离摩洛哥皇帝的领土,也不在任何国王的领地之内,因为那儿我们根本就看不到人迹。
The improved algorithm not only inherits the fast convergence trait from rls and realizable systolic array from qr _ rls , but also eliminates square - root operation and gets directly equalizer output signals from systolic array . so this algorithm has more simple operation , faster executing speed , less hardware resource and lower hardware cost . some different equalization algorithm are imitated on the qpsk communication system with multipath channel 其次对一些成熟的自适应均衡算法(如lms算法、 rls算法、 qr _ rls算法、逆qr _ rls算法)进行了分析;介绍了一种改进后的无平方根的qr _ rls算法,该算法不但继承了rls的快速收敛特性和qr _ rls算法的systolic阵列可实现性,还取消了qr _ rls算法的平方根运算,使算法在硬件实现时运行速度更快,占用资源也更少,同时该算法还可由systolic阵列直接得到均衡后的输出信号,运算量更小。