Over 140 , 000 people were reported dead or missing , and 300 , 000 houses were destroyed 据报道,死亡及行踪不明者超过14万人, 30万栋房屋毁坏。
Labor legislative start from 24 april 2006 making announcement about turn in untracked foreign worker bonus , willing to turn in bonus from 2000 increase until 5000 , encourage people to turn in 劳委会自95年4月24日起发布修正检举行踪不明外劳奖金,由原检举奖金2000元提高至5000元,鼓励民众多加检举。
From now on , labor legislative call on untracked foreign labor to surrender , and asking all people to refuse employing illegal labor , and encourage people to turn in untracked foreign labor ( free turn in line 0800 - 000 - 3 - 978 ) , society stabile needs your participation 为此,劳委会呼吁行踪不明外劳主动投案,并请全民拒绝非法雇用外劳,更鼓励民众对于行踪不明之外劳多加检举(免费检举专线: 0800 - 000 - 978 ) ,社会安定需要你我共同维护。
Besides soaked illegal employed , and encourage untracked foreign worker to surrender , not similar for agency , if agency introducing untracked worker to work , if tracking down , can be fined five hundred thousand , in 5 years still disobey , will be punished less than 1 year imprisonment , fined for 6 hundred thousand 除了重罚非法雇主、并鼓励行踪不明外劳投案之外,在不肖仲介业者方面,如果业者媒介行踪不明的外劳非法为他人工作,一经查获,最高将处以新台币50万元罚锾之重罚; 5年内再违反者,则将处1年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或并科新台币60万元以下罚金。
Nowadays because of untracked foreign worker rapidly increased , decreasing the number of untracked foreign worker , encourage people or foreigner ( not including illegal foreigner ) to turn in foreigner who breaking law number 73rd statement 3 regulated illegal foreigner ( missing from job for 3 days ) , according to case , every case bonus nt $ 5000 鉴于外劳行踪不明日益严重,为提高民众检举意愿及有效吓阻外劳发生行踪不明情事,进以达到减少行踪不明外劳人数,特修正提高民众或外国人(不含非法外国人)检举外国人违反本法第73条第3款前段规定情事(连续旷职3日失去联系)之非法外国人者,依案件每案核发新台币5000之奖励金。