There was an impressive exchange of salutations . 他们庄严地互相行礼。
The stretcher-bearers saluted and said thank you . 抬担架的人行礼道谢。
Poulengey salutes, and stands at the door awaiting orders . 波仑日行礼,站在门口听侯命令。
On your knees, every rascal of you, and salute the king ! 你们这些无赖之徒,还不快一个个双膝跪倒,向国王行礼称臣!
"i should like it very much, your majesty," said joan, and made a deep curtsey . “我很愿意,陛下,”琼说着深地屈膝行礼。
The trusty had a silly, sycophantic manner of raising one hand in salute . 这个好囚犯用一种愚蠢的,拍马的态度举起一只手行礼。
Although randow constantly and obsequiously took off his hat they passed him by with such a frigid and killing indifference . 虽然罗登必恭必敬地脱了帽子行礼,她们冷冰冰地不瞅不睬,真叫人难堪。
Soames had hung out a board marked "trespassers will be prosecuted", and he barely acknowledged the young fellow's salute . 索米斯脸上已经挂一块“闲人免进”的牌子,年青人行礼时他只勉强点一下头。
His father, still in the hat and coat, appeared at once formal and burlesque as though dressed carefully for some shabby and ceremonial violence . 他父亲仍旧戴着帽子,穿着短上衣,忽然显得一本正经而又滑稽可笑,好象精心打扮好了要去参加某种卑贱而又需按仪式行礼的暴力行为似的。
I made prostrations and circumambulations to the belt 我向这圣带行礼拜及礼绕。