

  • yukinao



  • 例句与用法
  • Clear water bay road will be temporarily suspended . vehicles should use clear water bay road eastbound and turn left to fung shing street northbound for journeys to choi fai estate , scenic view and fung shing street disciplined services quarters
  • Apply computer chip to control the circuit ; omron opto - elecrtonic control - ler and panasonic and mitsubishi inverter have stable performance , high precision , rapid reaction and long life - span ; the controlling plate applies tactile operation board which is handled easily ; vertical structural screen is easy to adjust the vertical printing pressure so as to ensure the quality of printing ; the frame lift is driven by electrical motor and installed with imported linear guide rails , of which the speed - adjust device , scraper and scraping blade can be adjusted within15 to 45 and can be set for many times so as to repeatedly printing with good precision and output , the flat bed is made of 2mm stain - less steel plates which are flat , smooth and indeformable ; it is also equiped with micromatic setting device in order to ensure the precision of multi - color overprint and auto air - intake device to ensure strong adsorption
  • 推荐英语阅读
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