Home bond trading info international bond intra - day quotes 首页债券交易资讯国际债券处所盘中报价行情表
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Home bond trading info international bond intra - day quotes international bond latest quotation - otc 首页债券交易资讯国际债券处所盘中报价行情表
Article 107 stock exchanges shall ensure fair centralized trading at competing prices , promptly announce quotations concerning the securities trading , compile securities market quotation tables for each day of trading , and announce the same 第一百零七条证券交易所应当为组织公平的集中竞价交易提供保障,即时公布证券交易行情,并按交易日制作证券市场行情表,予以公布。
Ans by law , bond dealers should report confirmed trades to gtsm immediately after trades are executed . then we will gather all the reports from whole bond dealers and publish relative statistic reports or charts 一债券自营商于其营业处所买卖债券,依规定应于确定成交后迅即将其成交资料向本中心申报,本中心经汇整统计所有债券自营商回报的资讯后,每日制作并公告相关之统计表或行情表。