Her latest novel has already run to three impressions . 她最近出版的一部小说已经印行三次了。
Interviewee : yes , i ' ve been working there for three years as a driver 应聘者:是的,我已经干司机这行三年了。
Haha , let my hiking shoes draw a full shop for this 3 - day austrian mountains tour 哈哈,让我的这双登山鞋给此次奥地利山之行三日游画上完满的句号吧!
So moses did just as the lord had commanded , and they went up to mount hor in the sight of all the congregation 民20 : 27摩西就照耶和华所吩咐的行三人当著会众的眼前上了何珥山。
If the bill is supported by members and receives its second reading , it will then go through the committee stage and be read the third time 有关法案若获议员支持及通过二读,将会进入全体委员会审议阶段并进行三读。
If the bills are supported by members and receive their second readings , they will then go through the committee stage and be read the third time 该两项法案若获议员支持及通过二读,将会进入全体委员会审议阶段并进行三读。
If the above bills are supported by members and receive their second readings , they will then go through the committee stage and be read the third time 上述的法案若获议员支持及通过二读,将会进入全体委员会审议阶段并进行三读。
A former mail room supervisor of an accountancy firm was sent to jail for one year for accepting 76 , 000 in illegal rebates from an electric bulb supplier and deceiving 35 , 000 from the accountancy firm 一名会计师行前邮务室主任,因收受灯泡供应商七万六千元非法回佣及诈骗会计师行三万五千元,被判入狱一年。
Elements . because the styles set at the control , column , and row levels filter down through each level to the cell level , you can also avoid style duplication by setting only those style properties at each level that differ from the levels above 由于在控件、列和行三个级别设置的样式从每个级别向下筛选直到单元格级别,因此,在每个级别上仅设置与其上面的级别不同的那些样式属性,也可以避免样式重复。