- 血 blood
- 乙醇 alcohol; ethanol; ethylalcoh ...
- 含量 content
- 乙醇含量测试 formaldehyde content
- 乙醇含量的测定 fruit and vegetable products determination of ethanol
- 血乙醇反应 blood ethanol response
- 胆固醇含量 cholesterol level
- concentration]血乙醇浓度峰值 pbec
- 血乙醇浓度峰值 pbec; peak blood ethanol concentration
- 胆固醇含量测定 meat and meat products method for determination of cholesteroll
- 乙醇 alcohol; ethanol; ethylalcohol
- 含量 content 净含量 net contents; 牛奶的乳糖含量 the lactose content of the milk; 油的脂含量 the ester content of oil
- 醇溶染料在乙醇中不溶物含量的测定方法 test method for the insoluble substance in ethanol of alcohol soluble dyes
- 血乙醛浓度峰值 peak blood acetaldehyde concentration
- 四元醇含有四个羟基的醇 tetrahydric alcohol; tetratomic alcohol
- alcohol]乙醇 et alc
- 氨乙醇 cholamine
- 苯乙醇 benzyl carbinol; phenethyl alcohol; 2-phenylethanol; β-phenylethyl alcohol; phenylethyl alcohol◇苯乙醇酸 phenyl hydroxyacetic acid
- 纯乙醇 aa; absolute alcohol; straight alcohol
- 碘乙醇 iodoethanol
- 二乙醇 nitrosodiethanolamine
- 氟乙醇 fluoroethanol
- 磺乙醇 iodohydrin
- 氯乙醇 chlorethanol; chlorethyl alcohol; chlorodydrin; chloroethanol; chloroethyl alcohol; chlorohydrine; cyanoethanol; ethylene chlorohydrin
- 氰乙醇 cyanoethanol