- a ergillosis of bee
- aspergillosis of bee
- stonebrood
- 蜜蜂 honeybee; bee
- 曲霉病 aspergillosis; aspergillomy- ...
- 曲霉病 a ergillosis; a ergillus disease; aspergillomycosis; aspergillosis; aspergillus disease
- 臭曲霉病毒 aspergillus footidus virus
- 雏鸡曲霉病 brooder pheumonia
- 耳曲霉病 aspergillosis auralis; aural aspergillosis
- 肺曲霉病 pnlmonary aspergillosis; pulmonary aspergillosis
- 柑桔曲霉病 aspergillus rot of citrus fruit
- 黑曲霉病毒 aspergillus niger virus
- 黄曲霉病毒 aspergillus flavus virus
- 棉蛉曲霉病 ascochyta blight of cotton
- 禽曲霉病 avian aspergillosis
- 曲霉病, 曲菌病 aspergillosis
- 曲霉病肺炎 pneumonia in aspergillosis
- 赭曲霉病毒 aspergillus ochraceous virus
- 灰绿曲霉病毒 aspergillus glaucus virus
- 支气管曲霉病 bronchoaspergillosis
- 曲霉病性关节炎 aspergillar arthritis
- 支气管肺曲霉病 bronchopneumonic aspergillosis; bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- 过敏性支气管肺曲霉病 allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- 全身曲霉病,全身曲菌病 systemic aspergillosis
- 霉病 [农业] mildew; mould
- 蜜蜂 honeybee; bee 蜜蜂嗡嗡叫。 bees hum. 他被蜜蜂螫了。 he was stung by a bee.; 蜜蜂采蜜场 bee forage; 蜜蜂群体活动 social behaviour of honeybees; 蜜蜂授粉 honeybee pollination; 蜜蜂饲养 bee-keeping management; 蜜蜂窝 honeycomb; beehive; 蜜蜂舞蹈 bee dance; 蜜蜂学 [无脊椎] apiology; 蜜蜂育种 honeybee breeding; 蜜蜂运输箱 travelling box; 蜜蜂中毒 honeybee poisoning
- 曲霉 aspergillus◇曲霉病 aspergillosis; aspergillomy-cosis; 曲霉酸 aspergillic acid; 曲霉肿 aspergilloma
- 白霉病 sour rot