snakelike; s-shaped 短语和例子
他的背上有一个蛇形的红斑。 there was a red mark on his back in the shape of the letter s.; 蛇形飞行 snaking; 蛇形航线 zigzag course; 蛇形号 serpent; 蛇形运动 [脊椎] serpentine locomotion; 蛇形钻杆 snake drill
蛇形边 snaky edge蛇形步 snake蛇形畴 snake domain蛇形的 serpentine; snake like; snaky蛇形腐 snake float蛇形管 coil; coiler; coiled pipe; serpentuator◇蛇形管冷却器 serpentine cooler蛇形号 serpent蛇形迹 ophimorpha蛇形门 a llais chicane; flush gate蛇形炮 serpentine蛇形丘 asar; askar; back furrow; escar; eschar; eskar; esker; morriner(=Σ sker); os(osar); serpent kame; serpentine kame蛇形线 serpentine curve蛇形芯 snake core串珠蛇形丘 beaded esker灯线蛇形管 ceiling coil回流蛇形管 reflux coil金属蛇形管 metal hose冷却蛇形管 condenser coil; condensing coil; cooling coil; cooling worm冷液蛇形管 coolant coil连续蛇形管 continuous loop连珠蛇形丘 beaded esker裂化蛇形管 cracking coil盘管;蛇形管 pipe coil; worm-pipe膨胀蛇形管 expansion coil蛇形摆动拉幅机 serpentine jigging tenter蛇型鱼类 eel
This system became known as the snake . 这套制度被人们称为“蛇形 浮动”。 There was a red mark on his back in the shape of the letter s . 他的背上有一个蛇形 的红斑。 Eskers are very long ridges apparently formed when sub-glacial streams or rivers deposited sedimentary materials .蛇形 丘显然是冰下河溪的沉积物堆积而成的很长的垄岗。 This system became known as the snake 这套制度被人们称为“蛇形 浮动” 。 Analysis on the reason of pipe fracture caused by boiler ouerheat 锅炉过热器蛇形 爆管原因分析 The snake that adorned her headdress was an emblem of kingship 她头上的蛇形 装饰代表着王权。 A snake robot could help look for people under buildings蛇形 机器人能够帮助寻找建筑物下面的人。 This has to do with the fucking eel , doesn ' t it ? you ' re not - 这和那该死的蛇形 怪物有关对吧?你不是 Simulation based on matlab software for the hooke ' s joint driven shaft 八关节三动杆蛇形 机器人的运动模拟 Air braking systems ; coiled tubing 气压制动装置.蛇形 管
蛇形的法语 :serpentant蛇形的韩语 :[명사][형용사] 사형(의). ‘羽’자 모양(의).蛇形的俄语 :серпентин змееподобный змеиный змеевидный蛇形什么意思 :如蛇曲折延长的形状。 ▶ 汉 荀悦 《汉纪‧成帝纪一》: “九月戊子, 有流星大如瓠, 出于文昌宫, 光烛地, 长四五丈, 委曲蛇形, 以贯紫微宫。”