- 薄 duckweed
- 窗口 window
- 显示 show; display; demonstrate; ...
- 窗口显示 show in window; windows displays
- 多窗口显示 multi-window display; multiple window di lay; multiple window display
- 超薄窗口 ultrathin window (utw); utw (= ultrathin window)utw
- 多视口显示 vports
- 薄窗显示 thin-film capacitors
- 声音入口显示 voice entry display
- 窗口内显示 fit in window
- 显示窗口 anzeigefenster; di lay window
- 显示信息窗口 show info window
- 重迭显示窗口 cascade display window
- 扫描器显示窗口 scanner display window
- 统计图形显示窗口 graphics window
- 最上层显示窗口 topmost window
- 初始窗口的显示模式 glut_init_display_mode
- 断口显微镜 fractography
- 窗口 1.(窗户跟前) window 从窗口看出去 look out of the window; 坐在窗口 sit at [by] the window2.(售票、挂号等窗口) window; wicket 去大连的火车票在那个窗口卖。 train tickets to dalian are sold at that window.3.(用于比喻) window; medium; intermediary; showpiece; testing ground 引进技术的窗口 window [medium, intermediary] for the introduction of new technology; 中国经济改革的窗口 a showpiece [model] for china's economic reform; 使开放城市成为对外政策的窗口。 the open cities will be testing grounds for our external policies.4.[电磁] window5.[电子学] aperture6.(飞机等的小窗口) hatch 通过墙上的小窗口购东西 shop through a hatch in the wall; 窗口凳 banquette; 窗口盖 scuttle; 窗口函数 window function; 窗口横框 sash rail; 窗口卡片 aperture card; 窗口片 diaphragm; 窗口吸收 window absorption
- 薄窗gm计数管 thin-window gm counter tube
- 薄窗玻璃 single-thickne sheet gla; single-thickness sheet glass
- 薄窗计数管 thin window counting tube
- 薄窗帘布 casement cloth; sheet curtain
- 薄窗增强器 thin-window intensifier
- 薄窗展示 thin-film capacitors