The organic pollution of rose river as a raw water for drinking water supply in lianyungang is investigated . the potential pollution sources are analysed and the countermeasures are presented 阐述了连云港市饮用水源蔷薇河的有机污染现状,分析其污染的来源,提出了应采取的控制措施和建议。
The organic pollution of rose river as a raw water for drinking water supply in lianyungang is investigated . the potential pollution sources are analysed and the countermeasures are presented 摘要阐述了连云港市饮用水源蔷薇河的有机污染现状,分析其污染的来源,提出了应采取的控制措施和建议。
Editor - in - chief : rule for making water works budget jiangshu province ( edition in 2000 ) ; 2 ) editor - in - chief : auditing report for a key project - diverting cleaning water by qiangwei river ( first step ) ; 3 ) editor - participated : budget norm form water works construction and installation ( edition in 1999 ) ; 4 ) business consultation and management for water works budget 主编江苏省水利基本建设工程设计概算编制规定( 2000年修订本) ; 2 ) 、主写省重点水利工程(蔷薇河送清水一期工程)审计报告; 3 ) 、参编江苏省水利建筑、安装工程预算定额( 1999年修订本) ; 4 ) 、全省水利工程造价管理业务咨询。