

  • anthrone



  • 例句与用法
  • Manufacturer of pyranine dyes for the food , cosmetic , pharmaceutical , and personal care industries , as well as a black dye for inkjet printers
    -生产还原染料分散染料染料中间体,苯绕蒽酮, 1 , 4 -二氨基- 2 , 3 -二氯蒽醌,还原黄,还原紫,还原棕,还原咔叽,还原大红,还原灰,分散紫
  • A facile method for the preparation of 10 - arylmethylene anthrone is reported . when anthrone react with aryl aldehyde in the presence of pyridine by using xylene as the solvent , besides 10 - arylmethylene anthrone derivatives we found other oxygenated anthrone which have not been reported . physical methods shows that the oxygenated anthrone is anthraquinone , and the anthraquinone cannot be removed from the condensed products by recrystallization with solvents . an effective method of getting ride of anthraquinone is sublimation by heating
    蒽酮和芳香醛为原料,二甲苯为溶剂,吡啶催化法制取10 -芳香基甲叉基蒽酮.发现其生成物中除含有目标化合物10 -芳香基甲叉基蒽酮外,还含有部分文献中没有报道的蒽酮氧化物,经物理方法确定其为蒽醌.该化合物不能用溶剂重结晶的方法将其从缩合产物中除去,有效的分离方法是升华
  • ( 2 ) an aminobenthiazole schiff base has been synthesized as a new fluorescence carrier by reacting 2 - aminobenthiazole with p - allyoxybenzoldohyde . the new kind of schiff base can be utilized for preparing an optical sensor , used for determining furazolidone based on the fluorescence quenching . aminobenthiazole schiff base immobilized on a glass plate surface by covalent bonding can circumvent the leakage of the fluorephore from the sensor surface and guarantee a relatively long working lifetime
    ( 3 )用强荧光基团2 -氨基苯并蒽酮与对烯丙氧基苯甲醛合成了另一种新的schiff碱类化合物,与甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯、丙烯酰胺、环乙二醇二丙烯酸酯共聚制得光极膜,制备了一种苯并蒽酮schiff碱光化学传感器,可用于单质碘的测定。
  • Based on the revealed relationship between the secretary structures and substances , the secretary tissues of hypericum are classified into 2 main types : type i is the tissue that secretes and stores such dianthrone compounds as hypericin . this a group of secretary cells , forming into black glands . type ii is the tissue that secretes and stores essential oils
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
蒽酮的英文翻译,蒽酮英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译蒽酮,蒽酮的英文意思,蒽酮的英文蒽酮 meaning in English蒽酮的英文蒽酮怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
