Do not kill me ! if you do the magic of tieru dies with me 不要杀我!如果你杀了我,蒂耶鲁的魔法也将随我而消散。
I recall tieru says he saved alexei ' s ( nicola ? ' s father ) soul 我想起蒂耶鲁说他救了亚历克斯(尼科莱他爸)的灵魂。
Tieru awaits me , but syris thalla is weak and needs more heroes 蒂耶鲁正在等我,塞利斯塔拉岌岌可危,它需要更多英雄保卫。
At last i depart for lost and fog - shrouded isles . tieru awaits me 我最终离开故土,去寻找迷雾中失落的小岛。蒂耶鲁正在等着我。
Demons move quickly ! i run to defend tieru . haste , haste , and more haste 恶魔们的动作很快!我必须飞速赶去保护蒂耶鲁。快,快,再快些。
Tieru told us that the eclipse was used to mark a child as the mother of the demon messiah 蒂耶鲁告诉我们日蚀在一个婴儿身上留下了一个标记,这个婴儿日后将会成为魔鬼弥赛亚的母亲。
Agrael ` s quest is nearing its end , all that remains is to find tieru somewhere in the magical fog of the dragonmist islands 阿格雷尔的探索任务即将结束,现在剩下的就是到龙雾岛的魔雾中寻找蒂耶鲁了。
I need to take most of our forces to capture isabel , galan . the more i think of tieru ` s words , the more worried i am for ashan 我必须竭尽所能抓到伊莎贝尔,加兰。我一想到蒂耶鲁的话,就不禁为亚山感到忧心忡忡。
That probably means tieru was present when alexei was killed in sheogh , but how did he get away from the citadel of the sovereign 那可能意味着亚历克斯在谢尔戈被杀时蒂耶鲁在场,但他是如何逃离恶魔大君的大本营的?