

  • secretary of the board



  • 例句与用法
  • Discussion about the legal status of establishing corporation
  • He acted as secretary to the board
  • Company secretary is thought to be a unique mechanism of common law system , which origins from england
  • The " senior manager " refers to the manager , vice manager , person in charge of finance of a company , and the secretary of the board of directors of a listed company as well as any other person as stimulated in the articles of association
  • The company secretary should assist and guide the directors in their pursuit of profit and growth but should also act with integrity and independence to protect the interests of the company , its shareholders and its employees
  • Company secretary is important in corporate governance because of its special duties in it . as an officer of the company at the center of the decision making process , the company secretary is in a powerful position of influence
  • Article 124 a listed company may have a secretary of the board of directors , who shall be responsible for the preparation of the sessions of shareholders ' meeting and meetings of the board of directors , preservation of documents , management of the company ' s stock rights , information disclosure , and etc
  • Article 124 a listed company may have a secretary of the board of directors , who shall be responsible for the preparation of the sessions of shareholders ' meeting and meetings of the board of directors , preservation of documents , management of the company ' s stock rights , information disclosure , and etc
  • This paper will prove that a implanted mechanism of company secretary may assist in the solution of the defections mentioned above . furthermore , a mechanism of company secretary will enhance the procedure of chinese company law and facilitate the audition of administrative organizations
  • China have had some sorts of legislations of secretary company , which are mainly enacted by csrc and stock exchanges , but there is no rule in the chinese company law and chinese security law , and the current legislation is not mature . therefore , china should implant the mechanism of company secretary in company law and security law ,
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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