Discussion about the legal status of establishing corporation 董事会秘书制度法律探析
He acted as secretary to the board 他是董事会秘书
Company secretary is thought to be a unique mechanism of common law system , which origins from england 董事会秘书是英美法系国家公司法所特有的制度,最早发源于英国。
The " senior manager " refers to the manager , vice manager , person in charge of finance of a company , and the secretary of the board of directors of a listed company as well as any other person as stimulated in the articles of association (一)高级管理人员,是指公司的经理、副经理、财务负责人,上市公司董事会秘书和公司章程规定的其他人员。
The company secretary should assist and guide the directors in their pursuit of profit and growth but should also act with integrity and independence to protect the interests of the company , its shareholders and its employees 董事会秘书对于公司内部治理结构和外部治理结构都有积极作用。我国目前公司法上的组织机构制度规定的公司机关包括股东大会、董事会、监事会和经理。
Company secretary is important in corporate governance because of its special duties in it . as an officer of the company at the center of the decision making process , the company secretary is in a powerful position of influence 从公司董事会和股东大会的召集、组织、记录到公司信息披露,从公司内部的行政管理到与外界代表公司所进行的签署特定合同等方面,董事会秘书都有其发挥作用的空间。
Article 124 a listed company may have a secretary of the board of directors , who shall be responsible for the preparation of the sessions of shareholders ' meeting and meetings of the board of directors , preservation of documents , management of the company ' s stock rights , information disclosure , and etc 第一百二十四条上市公司设董事会秘书,负责公司股东大会和董事会会议的筹备、文件保管以及公司股东资料的管理,办理信息披露事务等事宜。
Article 124 a listed company may have a secretary of the board of directors , who shall be responsible for the preparation of the sessions of shareholders ' meeting and meetings of the board of directors , preservation of documents , management of the company ' s stock rights , information disclosure , and etc 第一百二十四条上市公司设立董事会秘书,负责公司股东大会和董事会会议的筹备、文件保管以及公司股权管理,办理信息披露事务等事宜。
This paper will prove that a implanted mechanism of company secretary may assist in the solution of the defections mentioned above . furthermore , a mechanism of company secretary will enhance the procedure of chinese company law and facilitate the audition of administrative organizations 引进董事会秘书制度、将其列为公司机关之一,将有助于实现公司的效率与安全价值,并将一定程度上弥补公司法重实体而轻程序的做法,同时可以为公司监督机关的监管提供便利。
China have had some sorts of legislations of secretary company , which are mainly enacted by csrc and stock exchanges , but there is no rule in the chinese company law and chinese security law , and the current legislation is not mature . therefore , china should implant the mechanism of company secretary in company law and security law , 我国应当改变目前对董事会秘书制度的分散立法和立法层次过低的做法,在公司法中引入董事会秘书制度,确定董事会秘书作为公司机关和公司高级管理人员的地位,对董事会秘书的职权、任职资格与任免、义务与责任等方面进行规定,构建适应我国社会经济实际需要的董事会秘书制度。