- the restrained essence of sapphiron
- 萨 a surname
- 菲 humble; unworthy
- 隆 grand prosperous; flourishin ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 精华 cream; essence; anima; elite ...
- 萨菲隆 ngs; sapphiron
- 萨菲隆斗篷 sapphiron drape
- 精华中的精华 créme de la créme
- 国家的精华 the cream of a nation
- 菲隆 filon; philon; philoon
- 简洁是智慧的精华 brevity is the soul of wit
- 中国古典文学的精华 the cream of the chinese classical literature
- 萨菲 as safi; saafi; safe; saffeih; saffi; safi as; safy; seuffi
- 菲隆齐 filonzi
- 过去一切时代的精华尽在书中 in books lies the soul of the whole past time
- 黑客技术和软件破解的精华包 hacker&cracer&all in one
- 可能有萃取某种瑞士植物的精华 swiss performing extract moisturizer
- 木制商品的精华给我一个好心情 the goodness of the wooden goods gives me good mood
- 这些拔尖的学生成了班级的精华 the cream of the class is made up of the best students
- 精华 cream; essence; anima; elite; choice; quintessence 中国古典文学的精华 the cream of the chinese classical literature; 去其糟粕, 取其精华 discard the dross and select the essence; 国家的精华 the cream of a nation; 这些拔尖的学生成了班级的精华。 the cream of the class is made up of the best students
- 克隆的 clonal; clonic
- 兴隆的 brisk
- 菲隆戈河 filongo river
- 米罗菲隆 myrofylon
- 阿萨菲 asafi; asafy