- 营业 do business
- 平衡 balance; equilibrium
- 国 country; nation; state
- 营业平衡点 breakeven point
- 营业平衡图 breakeven chartt
- 营业平衡分析 breakeven analysis
- 损益平衡点;损益两平点;营业平衡点 break-even point (bep); break-even point (bep)
- 损益平衡分析;损益两平分析;营业平衡分析 break-even analysis
- 损益平衡图;损益两平图;营业平衡图 break-even chart
- 平衡国际收支 internationale zahlungsbilanz
- 工业平衡 equilibrium of the industry
- 就业平衡 employment balance
- 充分就业平衡 full employment equilibrium
- 竞争企业平衡 equilibrium in competitive industries
- 作业平衡线评价 able
- 业平 narihira
- 营业资金平衡表 administrative balance sheet; operation balance sheet
- 收支勉强平衡的营业活动 marginal activity
- 营业 do business 暂停营业 business temporarily suspended; 商店上午九时开始营业。 the shops open at nine in the morning. 该公司圣诞节停止营业。 the firm closed business for the christmas holiday.; 营业部 business department; sales department; business coordination department; 营业成本 cost of operation; operating cost; cost in business; 营业额 turnover; volume of business; 营业范围 scope and field of business; 营业利润 operating profit; 营业时间 business hours; banking hours (银行); 营业收入 operating income; business income; business earnings; business receipts; operating earnings; operating revenue; proceeds of business; 营业收支 operating expenditure and receipt; 营业项目 item of business; 营业许可证 business permit; 营业员 shop employees; 营业证[执照] business licence; certificate of business; 营业支出 operating expenses; 营业指南 business guide; 营业主任 sales manager; 营业资本 (流动资本) operating capital
- 均衡国民收入水平 equilibrium level of national income
- 工业平缝机 industrial flat bed sewing machine
- 工业平均数 industrial average
- 农业平价率 agricultural parity ratio
- 商业平价 commercial par
- 商业平台 commercial podium