- 药物 medicinal; medicine; medican ...
- 种植场 plantation
- 茶叶种植场 tea garden; tea plantation
- 甜菜种植场 beet field
- 茶室, 茶叶种植场 tea garden
- 大规模种植场 plantation
- 甘蔗园, 甘蔗种植场 cane plantation
- 谷物种植地 corn clad field
- 谷物种植业 grain husbandry
- 作物种植法 cropping system
- 作物种植机 crop-planting machine
- 糖料种植园, 糖料种植场 sugar plantation
- 植场 ueba
- 农作物种植机 crop planting machine
- 作物种植限制 crop restriction
- 块根作物种植机 root drill
- 农作物种植领班 croforeman
- 球茎作物种植机 bulb planter
- 球根栽植器 球茎作物种植机 bulbplanter
- 物种 [生物学] species; speci-◇物种起源 origin of species; 物种起源学说 theory of origin of species; 物种形成 speciation; 物种学 speciology; 物种转化 species transformation
- 种植 plant; grow; raise; cultivate 树种植在岸上。 the trees are planted on the banks. 这个地区种植香蕉。 the area is under banana cultivation.; 种植机具 sowing and planting machinery; 种植计划 planting scheme; 种植犁 deep plough; 种植面积 cultivated area; 种植期[季节] planting season; 种植业 farm production; crop and plant cultivation; crop cultivation; 种植园 plantation; haciendo; [巴西] fazenda; finca; 种植园主 plantation owner; planter
- 药物 medicinal; medicine; medicant; medication; drug; pharmaceuticals; medicaments 药物医治 heal with drugs; 药物过敏 drug allergy; 药物化学 pharmaceutical chemistry; 药物中毒 drug poisoning
- 古物种 palaeospecies
- 环物种 ring species
- 活物种 live species