These strands were coated on four sides with a nonburning coating consisting of a neoprene latex based paint . 用氯丁橡胶乳漆所组成的包覆层将药条的四个侧面包覆起来。
These strands were coated on four sides with a nonburning coating consisting of a neoprene latex based paint . 甲氯丁橡胶乳漆所组成的包覆层将药条的四个侧面包覆起来。
Ginseng is a highly valued herb in the far east . the root of ginseng has been used for over 2000 years in the belief that it is a panacea and promotes longevity . as described in chinese traditional medicine textbooks , its effectiveness reaches mythical proportions 增订伪药条辨: “西参滋阴降火,东参提气助火,效用相反,凡是阴虚火旺,劳嗽之人,每用真西参,则气平火敛,咳嗽渐平。 ”