地带 (具有某种性质或范围的一片地方) district; region; zone; [地测] band; belt 邻近地带 neighbouring district; nearby region; 人口稠密地带 thickly populated district; 森林地带 a forest region; 危险地带 a danger zone; 无人地带 no man's land; 城市的绿化地带 green belt of a city; 地带划分 zoning
The scenario is set in a barren wilderness area that features one or more tors , or freestanding hills 场景从一片贫瘠的荒漠地带出发,来到几座独自耸立的石山附近。
Sean vetter vin diesel and demetrius hicks larenz tate are a pair of dea agents who think they ve made the bust of a lifetime when they capture gu . . 3x反恐暴族班底逼埋墙特警忍无可忍,眼火爆理智全面失控誓要以暴易暴,赶尽杀绝美国和墨西哥的边境的荒漠地带,由于地理位置.