- 荒唐可笑 ridiculous; absurd
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 毫无价值 completely worthless
- 荒唐可笑的 be for the birds; for the birds
- 荒唐可笑的,滑稽的 ludicrous
- 毫无价值的 dirt-cheap; rubbish
- 让我们做荒唐可笑的游戏 made us play silly games
- 荒唐可笑 ridiculousabsurd
- 荒唐可笑地 foolishly ridiculously
- 毫无价值的东西 a thing of naught
- 毫无价值的努力 a worthless endeavor
- 预言明天太阳将不会升起是荒唐可笑的 it is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow
- 预言明天太阳将不升起是荒唐可笑的 it is ridiculous to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow
- 毫无价值的, 白送也不要的 not worth an old song
- 做毫无价值的事的人 boondoggler
- 毫无价值 not worth a straw [snap; rush; damn; farthing]; good for nothing; it is of no worth.; trashy; valueless 他的建议毫无价值。 his suggestion is valueless
- 毫无价值地 jadishly
- 这毫无价值 it is not worth a rap
- 无价值的 bankrupt; bluesky; castaway; fico; footling; fourth-rate; futile; geegaw; good-for-nothing; hungry; indign; jadish; nugae; nugatory; null; paltry; precious; slim; slushy; small-beer; threepenny; u oted; unnoted; unvalued; valueless; vile; void; worthless
- 无价值的人 cattle; zero
- 没有价值的 无价值的 valueless
- 撞车以后那辆车成了毫无价值的残骸 the car was a worthless wreck after the collision
- 变得毫无价值 go to nought
- 无价值的部分 husk
- 无价值的东西 dirt; hoot; toy