

  • aroma compound
  • aromatic compounds
  • aromatics



  • 例句与用法
  • Direct alkoxylation of aromatic compounds is virtually unknown .
  • The majority of nonaromatic compounds do not have such high c∶h ratios .
  • The majority of nonaromatic compounds do not have such high c h ratios
    大部分非芳香族化合物的c h比例没有这样高。
  • They found that it was composed of various aromatic compounds and sulfides in addition to large quantities of carbon
  • The results showed that in scco2 cyclotrimerization of terminal acetylenes was carried out smoothly to regioselectively afford the corresponding benzene derivaties using pdbr2 as the catalyst
  • Otsuka chemical employs an electro - organic synthesis which is a method for easily controlling oxidation - reduction reactions and is applied to selective oxidation reactions , unique reductive reaction and special alkylation of aromatic side chains
  • The scent in green tea a group of things with common features compound can be deliquescent adipose , change chaotic to go be bored with prevents adipose inside the body that accumulate sluggish , and vitaminic b1 , c and caffein can promote gastric juice to secrete , peptic with disappear fat
    绿茶中的芳香族化合物能溶解脂肪,化浊去腻防止脂肪积滞体内,而维他命b1 、 c和咖啡因能促进胃液分泌,有助消化与消脂。
  • The biochemical reaction in liquor - making mainly included the degradation of macromolecular substances such as the degradation of amylum and protein , the biochemical changes of micromolecular substances such as glycolysis of glucose ( emp approach ) and reconvertion of pyruvic acid , and the formation of flavoring substances such as the production of higher organic alcohol , maillard reaction , and the formation of aromatic compounds
    白酒酿造过程中的生物化学反应主要包括:大分子物质的降解,如淀粉的降解和蛋白质的降解;小分子物质的变化,如葡萄糖的酵解( emp途径)和丙酮酸的再转化;香味物质的生成,如高级有机醇生成、美拉德反应和芳香族化合物的形成。
  • The toxicities of a batch of chlorinated aromatic commpounds to selenastrum ca pricornutum were determined , and relationships between their chemical structure and toxicity data were investigated based on molecular connectivity indices . fur thermore , leave - one - out tests were applied to examine the robustness of the pre diction model
  • Fifty - one and nineteen compounds were detected respectively from the volatile extracts of the fossils from miocene leaves of metasequoia glyptostroboides and early cretaceous seed cone of pityostrobus spp . by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ( gc - ms ) analysis
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
芳香族化合物的英文翻译,芳香族化合物英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译芳香族化合物,芳香族化合物的英文意思,芳香族化合物的英文芳香族化合物 meaning in English芳香族化合物的英文芳香族化合物怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
