They also include people living with aids and hiv 他们也有的来自艾滋病和hiv携带者。
Focusing children aids and aids orphans 关注儿童艾滋病和艾滋孤儿
" hiv increases tb progression and tb increases hiv progression “艾滋病和肺结核相互助长,它们引发的症状将是致命的。 ”
The evaluation of the peer education on hiv aids among senior high school students in shanghai 艾滋病和安全性行为同伴教育近期效果评价
Since then , it has expanded into other areas including vaccine research and prevention of aids and malaria 自那时起,它已经扩展到其他领域,包括疫苗研究和防治艾滋病和疟疾。
The iai is a global non - profit organisation working to speed the search for a accine to preent hi infection and aids Iai是一个国际非盈利组织,致力于寻找抗艾滋病和预防艾滋病的疫苗。
" to be a pop star at 11 seems impossible , and the idea of having aids or being kidnapped is remote from their lives . 11岁成为流行歌星,似乎不太可能,而得艾滋病和被绑架离他们的生活又太遥远。
Among them : cut in half the number of people living on less than one dollar a day and halt the spread of aids and malaria 其中有:使每天生活标准低于1美元的人数下降一半和停止艾滋病和疟疾的传播。
Among them : cut in half the number of people living on less than one dollar a day and halt the spread of aids and malaria 这其中包括将每天生活费不足1美元的人员数量减少一半以及阻止艾滋病和疟疾的蔓延。
Among them : cut in half the number of people living on less than one dollar a day and halt the spread of aids and malaria 其中包括:将那些每天生活费用不到一美元的人数削减一半,以及阻止艾滋病和疟疾的蔓延。