- colour temperature measurement
- 色温 colour temperature
- 测定 determine; determination; se ...
- 色温测量 colour temperature measurement
- 色温测试器 colour temperature tester
- 低温测定术 cryometry
- 低温测定仪 cryoscope
- 地温测定法 geological thermometry
- 高温测定 pyrometry
- 高温测定法 pyrometry
- 高温测定术 pyrometry
- 古温测定 palaeothermometry
- 体温测定 measurement of body temperature
- 低温测定技术 cryometric technique
- 基础体温测定 examination of basal body temperature; examinationof basal dody temperature
- 人工低温测定 freezing test
- 直肠体温测定 rectal temperature measurement
- 色温 [物理学] colour temperature◇色温标 [热学] temperature colour scale; 色温测量 colour temperature measurement; 色温度 [统力] colour temperature; 色温计[表] colour temperature meter; 色温滤光片 colour temperature filter
- 公共场所气温测定方法 method for determination of air temperature in public places
- 皮肤温度试验,皮温测定 skin temperature test
- 比色温度 色温 colourtemperature
- 温测法 thermometry
- 色温标 temperature color scale
- 色温表 color meter; color temperature meter
- 色温度 color temperature; colour temperature
- 色温计 color temperature meter; color thermometer