- 船舶 shipping; boats and ships; v ...
- 航行 coastwise navigation; coasti ...
- 报告 report; make known; inform
- 航行报告 navigational report
- 船舶航行范围 ship operating envelope
- 船舶航行方向 direction of ship travel
- 船舶航行情况 conduct of a vessel; conductofavessel
- 船舶航行污染 shipping pollution
- 船舶航行阻力 shiresistance
- 船舶运行报告 report on ship's movement
- 船舶航行负责人 navigator
- 船舶航行设备规范 rules for the navigation equipment of sea going ships
- 航行津贴船舶航行负责人 navigating allowance
- 船舶航行间避碰规定 conduct between sailing vessels to avoid collision; conductbetweensailingvesselstoavoidcollision
- 内河船舶航行日志记载规则 rules for log-book record of inland waterway vessels
- 外国籍船舶航行长江水域管理规定 provisions for control over vessels of foreign nationality navigating in the yangtze river
- 中朝国境河流船舶航行规则 rules for vessels navigating in the boundary rivers of china and korea
- 船舶航次 voyage
- 船舶航道 river channel; shipping channel
- 船舶航速 ship's speed
- 船舶航态 ship attitude
- 船舶航线 steamer line
- 飞行报告单 flight manifest
- 鉴定行报告 surveyor’s report
- 例行报告 a routine report; routine reports