- regulations for shiformation movement
- 船 boat; ship; vessels
- 舰 warship; naval vessel; man-o ...
- 编队 form into columns; organize ...
- 运动 arrange things or get things ...
- 规则 rule; regulation; ordination ...
- 船舰编队队形要素 elements of shiformation pattern
- 舰艇编队运动 ship formation movement
- 移动规则 movement rules
- 团队运动 team games
- 运动规划 motion planning
- 运动规律 characteristics of motion
- 订单活动规则 order activity rules
- 情况行动规则 situation action rule
- 事件驱动规则 event-driven rules
- 国家队运动员 a player of the national volleyball team
- 摆线运动规律 cycloidal motion
- 等速运动规律 uniform motio co tant velocity motion; uniform motion; constant velocity motion
- 本构模型流动规则 flow rule
- 类似行动规则性质 fad like nature
- 船舰 ship
- 伊朗国家军队运动 mani; mouvement del armee nationale iranienne
- 从动件运动规律 follower motion
- 多项式运动规律 polynomial motion
- 船舶在互见中的行动规则 conduct of vessels in sight of one another; conductofvesselsinsightofoneanother
- 等加等减速运动规律 parabolic motio co tant acceleration and deceleration motion; parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion