- 舱壁 bulkhead
- 台阶 footstep; step; altar; bench
- 横舱壁台座 bulkhead stool
- 台阶 1.(踏级) footstep; step; altar; bench 十几级台阶 a flight of a dozen steps2.[讯] pedestal sit3.[矿物学] open pit bench4.(避免因僵持而受窘的途径或机会) an opportunity to extricate oneself from an awkward position 给他们找个台阶下吧。 give them an out
- 舱壁 (ship) bulkhead◇舱壁甲板 [船舶工程] bulkhead deck
- 障壁台地 barrier platform
- 翼舱壁;侧舱壁 wing bulkhead
- 长台阶 bucket step
- 负台阶 negative step
- 宽台阶 pace
- 刨台阶 stecut
- 上台阶 top bar
- 设台阶 terrace
- 台阶底 bench floor
- 台阶法 bench method
- 台阶孔 counterbore
- 台阶器 stepper
- 台阶式 setback type; stage style; ste ed; stepped
- 下台阶 bottom bench; lower bench
- 台阶(带台阶立板) box steps
- 半舱壁 partial bulkhead
- 边舱壁 side bulkhead
- 舱壁板 bulkhead plate; bulkhead plating; bulkhead sheet; waist plate
- 舱壁泵 bulkhead mounted pump; bulkhead mountedpump; ulkhead mountedpump
- 舱壁灯 bulkhead lamp; bulkhead light