- 航迹 flight path; track; course; ...
- 预示 betoken; indicate; presage; ...
- 航迹预测 track prediction
- 航迹预算学 motion prediction
- 预示 betoken; indicate; presage; augur; forebode 预示大风暴的来临 forebode a big storm; 预示丰收 predict a good harvest; 预示某人[某事]凶[吉]兆 augur ill [well] for sb. [sth.]; 灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。 the splendid evening glow in the sky means another fine day tomorrow
- 航迹 [航空] flight path; track; course; wake◇航迹灯 wakelight; 航迹角 flight-path angle; course angle; track angle; 航迹图 rutter; 航迹轴 flight path axis
- 预示,预言 forebode
- 预示,预兆 foreshadow; portend; presage
- 预示,暗示 foreshadow
- 预示;预见 prefiguration
- 预示的 adumbrative; indicative; ominous; prefigurative; prognostic
- 预示铃 warning bell
- 预示论 typology
- 预示器 predictor
- 预示着 promise
- 预兆,预示 portend
- 传令官;预示,先驱 herald
- 溶解度预示 prediction of solubility
- 闪电预示器 keraunophone
- 凶事预示者 doomsayer
- 预测,预示,预言 foretell
- 预示的价格 indicative price
- 预示的凶兆 threaten
- 预示丰收 predict a good harvest
- 预示公式 predictor formula