The airplane from the airport flies along its airline 从机场上开出的飞机,沿着航线飞行。
The airplane from the airport files along its airline 这机场上开出的飞机,沿着航线飞行。
On each flight , the gfs aircraft takes on two tracks 在每次勘察飞行中,飞行服务队的飞机均会循两条航线飞行。
A factor analysis of the evaluation method of safety culture in airlines flight 航线飞行安全文化特征评价方法的因素分析研究
Thank you for flying edge airlines - why patch when you can keygen 感谢你搭乘edge的航线飞行? ?如果你有序列号的话,为什么还要使用补丁呢?
With pulse compression techniques , two - dimensional high resolution imaging to distant targets can be realized 为了获得高的横向分辨率,要求载机沿理想航线飞行。
A handful of private companies are making plans to bring tourists on suborbital flights and even to set up floating space hotels 少数私人公司正在计画要带旅客在还未进入地球轨道的航线飞行,甚至还要建立漂浮在太空中的旅社呢!
The sketch of the mathematical modeling for the calcalation of the distance covered by an airline is discribed . some comments to the answer paper for the problem c of 2000 china undergraduate mcm are given 本文对飞机航线飞行距离计算的数学模型进行了概述,并对2000年全国大学生数学建模竞赛的c题答卷进行了评述
In this paper , we mainly optimize the flight profile of the aircraft , simulate the 4d - flight of them and research the application of sequence in arrival aircraft scheduling in terminal area . firstly , we create the mathematics models for simulating 4d - flight 本文主要对按给定航线飞行的航班的飞行剖面进行优化设计,模拟航班的四维飞行,同时对到达航班队列排序优化算法进行设计、研究和实现。
On the basis of these , a simplified iced aerodynamics model is established , describes the effects of aircraft icing on aerodynamic parameters . main principle and implement method of iced aircraft envelope protection system are proposed . after ascertain iced aircraft envelope , for pilot and autopilot , open - loop and close - loop aircraft envelope protection control law respective designed , ensure the aircraft will efficiently follow the flight path specified by the pilot in the safe - flight envelope 在此基础上,建立了简化的飞机结冰气动模型,以描述结冰对气动参数的影响;给出了结冰飞行包线保护系统的基本原理及实现方法,在计算确定结冰飞行包线后,对于人工驾驶、自动驾驶飞行两种情况,分别设计了开环、闭环飞行包线保护控制律,保证飞机在安全飞行包线内沿着预定的航线飞行。